Sarv Blog

One Destination for Web Marketing Solutions

Interactive Voice Response

Are your customer support team giving their 100% to customer’s satisfaction?

Yes..!! Still missing the hot leads, due to not connecting with the customers on time.

Okay! Then what?

I guess, now you are thinking to add more team members to your customer support team. But you need a good budget for hiring more teammates.

May I help you in this situation?

Hire a virtual receptionist..!!! Read More

Benefits of Email Marketing

During the last decade social media, mobile marketing, and SEO have gained massive momentum. And no doubt there are many marketing strategies out there in the market which can help you grow your business. But does this mean email marketing is dead and an outdated form of marketing?

No, email marketing is alive and still an unbeatable marketing tool.

Do you know, even Facebook can’t compete with email marketing?

I agree Facebook is an incredible tool for promoting and growing business but the study shows that Email is 40 times more effective than Facebook and Twitter.

Shocking… Isn’t it?

But it’s true :) Read More

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