Sarv Blog

One Destination for Web Marketing Solutions


In our previous articles, we’ve discussed how social media are great for business and how to make a Facebook business page – Tips to Make Compelling Facebook Business Page [CheckList].

But one question that we always get asked is how do you get more people to become a fan of your page? In order to get success on Facebook you need quality content and an engaged community. Both communities and content are key elements to build brand awareness, because without one there’s no one to read your content. To attract more people to your page, it’s important to post engaging, interesting and valuable content regularly on your page.

See this infographic below if you want to know how do you gain your first 1000 followers or fans on Facebook. It will surely help you! Read More


Website is a very effective medium to represent your business or blog online. Website is a way to reach potential customers. It is necessary for your website to be attractive so that it gets attention of users & search engines. Search engines make a website visible and gives it a global presence.

So, your site must be search engine friendly otherwise search engines could ignore your site. Google & other search engines- Yahoo, Bing appreciates SEO friendly sites. Below are some points for creating a search engine friendly site. Read More

how to follow up

It is no a easy process to earn the audience, subscribers. So, it is a big deal to keep them associated and let them grow your business. A challenge is always there for any content writer in an industry to keep the subscribers stick to them and force then to renew the service.

But how & what will be the tactics to follow to avoid losing the subscribers and keep them interested about the next plan? Read More

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