Sarv Blog

One Destination for Web Marketing Solutions


Sales opportunities are always around the corner. Sometimes these appear as unplanned sales meetings, unsatisfied potential customers, happy customers, or unexpected calls.

As told, these are unplanned and unexpected, so these are more likely to get ignored by the reps. That can happen as one might be in the middle of some task, meeting, or else.

A good sales rep is always in search of sales opportunities. No matter the condition, the only rule they must follow is Look and Seize.

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Why You Buy cloud telephony

The Startup culture is widespread today but also stagnant. I see startups coming into existence with the speed of light. But only a few of them are able to plant their feet in the market.

Have you ever wondered why only 3 out of 10 startups survive?

Any guess…?

I have always been saying in my previous articles, and I still repeat that One decision can make all the difference. Believe me, it’s all about taking the right decision.

Adopting a certain technology can change the whole game. I’ll make it simple for you. Read More

5 Reasons Why You Should Be Concerned For SEO In Your Business

SEO is the term which is most misunderstood and misrepresented term in the world of marketing. People think for it as a black-magic secret for marketing and overnight success. But is it really like so?

There is no doubt that SEO can be a magic for your business but pretending it to be as black-magic is completely amiss.

If you’re looking for business qualified leads, and some really extraordinary results for your business, then SEO is a very valuable outlet for your business. If you want to convert your family basement business to 500 companies all over the world over one night, obviously it is not possible through SEO even it is not possible from any of the marketing strategies.

All it can do is can provide vision to your business, a strong branding, traffic, Higher ROI. So let’s look into the reason that if you’re owning a business either small or large why it is very much important to make your concern towards SEO. Read More


What motivates you the most?

What helps you to turn on when you’re really down?

It’s someone’s words. Few words that are competent enough to make you feel better.

Although content marketing is the burning marketing strategy that is blowing off the complete market. Yet we sometimes fail to make our mind up because we are defined to follow and trust the old and traditional techniques.

When I reach my office and turn on my system what I see first is “I will win not immediately but definitely”. I don’t who has written this but these few words are enough to make me charged up or the whole day.

So, if you’re in abashment of should you go for content marketing? or whether you have taken the right decision by selecting content marketing? Read More

20 Stunning Digital Marketing Facts!

If you’re in a start-up stage then you must have some crunch of time, shortage of budget or in found of best marketing technique.

The situation you would be facing is you don’t have enough money to spend for all the marketing strategies in the book but still you have to do it. So, if you’re in these circumstances ,and messed up in between the marketing strategy that you should go for.

Then, Digital marketing is a pocket-friendly strategy that will help you in maintaining your brand image along with giving more leads to your company.

Here are 20 facts to make you understand that why you should go for Digital Marketing and what other Business people feel about including online marketing in your business. Read More

15 Tools To Attract Your Customers With Your Magnetic Content

You know what is the difference between a known company and an alien company. What is that pinch which makes your customer remember you? After all, other companies are delivering the same work which you are delivering. Then why they’ll come to you.

It’s because of your content, your unique story that makes them pull towards you.

“Thoughts without content are empty, intuitions without concepts are blind.”

-Immanuel Kant

Hence, your content shows the thought of you and not only you, it signifies the words of your whole company. Read More

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