Sarv Blog

One Destination for Web Marketing Solutions


Only in the last year has the world changed a lot. With the coronavirus pandemic, the world is stuck, and the way we operate, the world runs, and the way we live have changed. The way people expected to live in the big 2021 and post-2021 world is not what it has been. All this hardship also means a new reality – being locked up at home and not meeting friends, family and even co-workers.

In such incomparable times, video conferencing solutions have come to our aid. From traditional businesses to family reunions, video conferencing platforms have supported it all.

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The pandemic brought many changes. Although some of the shortcomings and obstacles associated with COVID seemed difficult to overcome, we emerged from the pandemic with new and unique ideas. One of the main ones is the video conferencing system.

Video conferencing software has changed the way we work. In the past, meetings required physical face-to-face meetings. It is no longer necessary now. Following the COVID-19 protocols, you can participate in high-level conferences and organize seminars and webinars using the home video conferencing system.

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Benefit VB Blog

“Your voice can change the world.” Barack Obama

Voice is an influencer itself as it holds the power to change the world and make a new one. Just like a picture can speak thousands of words, in the same way, ‘a voice can impact thousands of people’. Remember, the process of cold calls, one of the popular methods to target customers, but ask for a lot of time and effort. Everybody is aware that the world is all about high-definition features, and voice is that essential solution. Read More


The Covid-19 recession, followed by social distancing and nationwide closure, we have a major impact on businesses. No matter how established they are, the way they reconsider or manage and operate their business, including their business plan, is important.

It has become difficult for most companies to maintain their financial coverage during this lockdown period due to lower revenue declines and general uncertainty in the global financial environment. Not only this, but managing customers has also been a challenging task for every organization. Everyone nowadays works digitally as no one wants to lose the business. To improve this, they had adopted many solutions from cloud telephony solution to video conferencing tools. Sarv is a collection of these services. Read More


Working in an office is a way different environment than working at home. Colleagues around, with systems and the time arrangements, makes life easy in the office. But, during WFH, maintaining office work with household chores for both men and women has become a challenging task which leads to less productivity. So setting up all the things like an office at home for more productivity, you can follow up below-mentioned points: Read More

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