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Only in the last year has the world changed a lot. With the coronavirus pandemic, the world is stuck, and the way we operate, the world runs, and the way we live have changed. The way people expected to live in the big 2021 and post-2021 world is not what it has been. All this hardship also means a new reality – being locked up at home and not meeting friends, family and even co-workers.

In such incomparable times, video conferencing solutions have come to our aid. From traditional businesses to family reunions, video conferencing platforms have supported it all.

History of video conferencing solutions

The first video conferencing technology came from the 1870 audio cords and the 1927 Bell Lab videophone, which has adapted and evolved into modern video conferencing. From the early Bell Labs patents to the creation of the word “video” in the English language / dictionary and the first video call, the video conferencing narrative is an interesting example of technical capability and advancement. Interestingly, not so old start-ups that are barely going back in time have already started submitting IPOs!

Advantages of video conferencing solutions

Some of the obvious benefits of using videoconferencing for an individual or even a business are personal experience. Like online meetings, time and energy savings, and the cost of physical office space. We now delve deeper into the various benefits that video conferencing offers to different aspects of life.

Better work efficiency –

At times like these, it is impossible for employees to continue their routine to go to work and hold workshops with co-workers and clients. With a video conferencing solution, organizations can maintain the quality of personal communication so that work doesn’t change, even with Covid. There is no stop for webinars and (virtual) meetings. The interaction between a coffee break and a water cooler may or may not be zero, but this is common practice for organizations using videoconferencing.

Stay in touch with friends and family –

It’s hard to isolate. Humans are social beings who need to communicate with other beings in order to feel peace. In a pandemic, it is almost impossible for us to stay in touch with our family and friends as before. However, video calling solutions and platforms allow people to see their friends and family, not just their voices. Lately, people have been dating videos, meetings and even weddings. Video conferencing solutions have made things a little easier for people.

Going on with life –

Apart from communicating and going to work, there are many jobs and functions that require regular trips. It was extremely difficult to perform everyday tasks, such as visiting a doctor, attending lectures, or any function that required personal communication. If video conferencing had not been there, many of the important functions of continuing life would not have been fulfilled. However, organizations / companies innovated with the possibility of video calling. Class lectures are given online to ensure that the academic session is not lost, patients can consult with doctors online, and so on.

Why choose video conferencing?

In essence, video conferencing solutions have not only helped businesses run their businesses, but also allow individuals to communicate. Many companies have even realized that they can easily run and go online. Remote working is seamless when integrating a video conferencing platform. The socialization aspect of people in this period of isolation through occasional video calls with friends and family.

Where to Get Video Conferencing Tools

Sarv provides WAVE- a video conferencing tool that easily integrates into a website or application. This provides customers with a branded video experience. As a business, it makes sense to invest in a video conferencing solution that goes beyond just making video calls. The Sarv on Video Platform also has a dashboard that provides business data for your video calls. So business executives and executives can control their operations.

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