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20 Stunning Reasons To Make Your Emails Mobile Friendly

There is no doubt that Email Marketing is the #1 trick to be followed  for your business. But, The whole world is running over mobiles, you, I and everyone. So, why not you mix up this mobile and email mixture funda to give your business a full proof protection.

Still confused?

I have 20 solid reasons for you to make your emails mobile friendly.

#1. 65% of US smartphone users check their phones within 15 minutes of rising. 64% check their phones within 15 minutes of going to bed. [ Heidi Cohen]

#2. 38% of email is now opened on a mobile device, with 33% for desktop and 29% for webmail.[Glow New Business]

#3. 67,2% of consumers use a smartphone to check their email, 42,3% use a tablet while 93,3% uses desktop environment. [Bluehornet]

#4. 87% of millennials always have their smartphone at their side, day and night. 78% of millennials spend over 2 hours a day using their smartphones. 68% of millennials consider their smartphone to be a personal device. [Heidi Cohen]

#5. 64% of decision-makers read their e-mail via mobile devices. [Business2community]

#6. 44% of consumers say that they would like brands to deliver deals and coupons to their mobile devices.[HubSpot]

#7. Nearly two-thirds of Americans own a smartphone and 19% of Americans rely on a smartphone for accessing online services and for staying connected. [Pew Internet Project]

#8. 84% of 13-17-year olds own a mobile phone. 83% of 6-9-year olds use a tablet. [Heidi Cohen]

#9. Americans used smartphone and tablet apps more than PCs to access the Internet (in January 2014) — the first time that has ever happened. [webbiquity]

#10. 46% of smartphone owners say their smartphone is something “they couldn’t live without,” compared to 54% who say their phone is “not always needed.” [Pew Research Centre Internet]

#11. 78% of smartphone users access a retail site via a mobile app. These people want on-the-go, targeted information with minimal data use that a mobile app provides. 44% of tablet users accessed a retail site via a mobile app. [Webbiquity]

#12. Consumers are not going on a desktop to share brand messages, rather they are going to mobile devices. Flurry’s most recent study shows 86% of mobile usage is within apps. [Mobile Marketing Association]

#13. Replies sent from mobile devices are 60% shorter than those sent from desktops. [Clickz]

#14. 78% of Facebook users are mobile-only. [business2community]

#15. 45% of Mexican Internet users follow a brand on social media and the most popular reason for doing this is to get discounts. [LatinLinx]

#16. Mobile digital media time in the US is now significantly higher at 51% compared to desktop. []

#17. Mobile email click-throughs grew 22.8% on Black Friday, from 44.7% in 2014 to 54.9 percent in 2015. [Clickz]

#18. The number of mobile e-mail users is predicted to grow  23% in 2016.[Clickz]

#19. More email is read on Mobile than on desktop email clients. Stats say 54% of email is now opened on a mobile device. [Litmus]

#20. 75 percent of Gmail users access their accounts on mobile devices. Gmail now has 900 million users.[Google / TechCrunch “I/O developers conference”]

So, I hope these amazing 20 facts would be enough to compel you to make your Email Marketing a mobile friendly one.

Read More: Why It’s Important To Make Your Email Newsletters Mobile Friendly??


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