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Contact Rate Call Connect

Attracting leads and converting them is one of the most obvious things businesses want. But at present, the excessive practice of customer calling has stopped customers from answering most phone calls or making contact with a brand. It has become difficult for agents to connect and hear from customers.

According to past reports, 80% of calls are answered in 20 seconds, whereas the average speed to answer is 28 seconds.

No matter what type of services your contact center provides, you need to have a high connection and contact rate. You have to reach your goals while complying with all the necessary rules. You need to think out-of-the-box calling solution to increase your connection rate.

There are various tools and techniques that allow customers to filter out spam calls. Businesses need ways to increase connection and contact rates. But before that, learn the basics of it.


Contact Rate

It’s an important touchstone in an outbound call center, which helps the business comprehend the quality of the lead list. Determine the rate by dividing the number of live contacts by the total leads on the list. For better understanding, remember this formula of contact rate: 

30 people pick up the call/300 leads = a contact rate of 10%.

*Through this, learn about the quality of the leads. 

Connection Rate

Discover the day-to-day picture of the calls placed and connected. Simply determine the rate for an outbound call center via the given formula: divide the number of calls answered by the total number of calls placed.

Take this, for example, 35 calls answered/100 calls dialed= a connection rate of 35%.

*connection rate is short term and it explains the efficiency of leads. Also, over time, the connection rate supports the contact rate.

Is it difficult for businesses to increase connection and contact rates?

Customers mostly prefer to communicate through mobile phones. Witnessing the increasing demand, businesses have evolved their marketing strategies and introduced a new point of contact for communication.

Contact centers are highly incorporating technologies for better customer service. As per the reports. 56% of call centers plan to invest in AI, 33% in robotics & process automation, and 31% in video chat.

With the increase of calls and interactions on smartphones, the number of complaints related to spam calls has also grown. Customers are becoming more cautious about picking up calls from unknown numbers. Additionally, it is hindering the productivity of people.

Such challenges have become pivotal for businesses to address. It is necessary to enhance call pickup rates to drive conversation over the call. Your call response rate is largely dependent on how you approach them.

Learn the Ways to Increase Connection & Contact Rate

Connecting your call center with more people will help in boosting productivity, employee morale, and business revenue. Enhance the quality of your database, incorporate smart dialing features, adjust dial time-out, and ensure quality monitoring.

Create Quality Database

Data is the new treasure. If you have a robust database then your agent will be able to connect with the right audience. The chances of a call being answered grow if it is relevant for callers. Focus on the customer base, needs, and wants, and then target them accordingly. Having a good idea about target customers and their preferences will increase call connection and contact rate.

Incorporate Smart Dialing Features

Your business mission is to get more conversations without hammering the brand image. Take use of auto dialers to automate your complete dialing process in call centers. Automatically dial the phone numbers of the selected contacts on behalf of the agents. With the right dialer, your business can thrive towards a high connection and contact rate.

Adjust Dial Time-Out

Finding out the perfect number of rings to authorize before moving on to the next call is difficult. It is all about finding the sweet spot. Don’t set the time-out too high (too many voicemails) or too low (not enough time for the recipient to answer). Tweak the number of rings in smaller increments or just adjust by a half ring and enjoy endless benefits.

Ensure Quality Monitoring

Continuous monitoring of the connection and contact rate will prevent future risks. Call center insights and analytics provide 100% call coverage, which is more effective in analyzing performance. To eradicate sudden dips, use proactive dialers to increase the connection rate and ensure quality service.

Call Connect & Contact Rate is More Than What You Thing

Improving these two factors is essential for call center agents as it will help in converting leads.

  • Drill deeper for a true picture of ROI and profitability.
  • Analyze the list conversion for efficiency.
  • Manage opportunity costs.

Utilize real-time data to determine what lists are generating revenue. Sarv will help you get detailed reports to maximize lead efficiency, productivity, and cost-saving. We furnish the correct technologies to help businesses of all sizes to meet and exceed their objectives. Streamline your connection and contact rate today with our support.

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