“How can i attract more visitors?” This is one of the most common question from marketers.
When a visitor first visit your website; 99% of them don’t buy. So, where we should focus to get these 99% return for a second visit & perform transaction. You can’t trace your visitors but yes, you may impact to return.
This article will help you, how to do this.
#1. Blog
Articles for help & guidance not for selling & promotion.
Regular guides will also help your customers learn basics.
Be consistent. Regular posting of new articles will keep your blog young & attractive.
Care about your readers & your clients.
Keep it simple & down to earth. Try to help your readers instead of writing controversial posts. You’re good & Be good!
Awareness of strengths & weakness is very necessary for a running business.
No need to describe your weakness as it is not a confession room.
Find your weaknesses to remove them or to convert them into strengths.
Use your strong points to catch the viewers & visitors to make them your clients.
#5. Slow & Steady
“Patience is the key to success in email marketing industry.”
A short path is faster & quicker but will never yield fruitful & long-lasting results. Better option is to be patience & wait for the result. It’ll definitely yield a permanent outcome. It’ll bring stability to your business.
focus on the fact that why one & should purchase your product, through there are no. of other stable providers.
“Keeping prices lower than others vendors; only this will not help attract customer for purchasing”
#6. Articles with Unique twists
Twist is something which develops interest of a reader. Keep your articles different & a little spicy article will give more readers. But make sure not to repeat it in every article.
“Keep all your articles with different tastes.”
#7. Don’t rely only on Social Media Tool
Social media is very necessary for a business, more and more people know you. Social media is a nice tool but not only a tool.
Don’t target social media as the only option of promotion. Open yourself to other areas too & utilize them fully. After using all the options for a fixed time, you may compare & find out which was beneficial.