Sarv Blog

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Everyone is browsing through social media channels, do you want to speed up your browsing? Social media channels have some amazing keyboard shortcuts to save your time.

Here a list of social media keyboard shortcuts for Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Tumblr and Google +. A shortcut is a key combination that links up with a specific command that would otherwise be accessible through a menu via a click of a mouse button. These shortcuts allow you to bypass the need for mouse clicks and movements and get’s you to the function you need in the fastest possible way.

So, speed up your browsing and impress your friends with your shortcut skills.

1. Twitter Shortcuts

Home = G + H

Connect = G + C

Activity = G + A

Mentions = G + R

Discover = G + D

Profiles = G + P

Favourites = G + F

Lists = G + L

Message = G + M

Settings = G + S

Go to User = G + U

Favourite = F

Reply = R

Retweet = T

DMsg = M

New Tweet = N

Close all Open Tweets = L

Open Tweets Details = ENTER

This Menu = ?

Next Tweet = J

Previous Tweet = K

Search = /

Load New Tweets = .

Page Down = Space

2. Facebook Shortcuts

These Shortcuts work on Windows ( If you are using Firefox on windows you need to click on “Shift” in addition to shortcuts shown below.)

New Message = ALT + M

Help Center = ALT + O

Home Page = ALT + 1

Profile Page = ALT + 2

Friend Request = ALT + 3

Messages = ALT + 4

Notification Center = ALT + 5

Account Settings = ALT + 6

Privacy Settings = ALT + 7

Official Facebook Page = ALT + 8

Service Agreement = ALT + 9

Note: When Using Mac you will need to click on “CTRL” in addition to the shortcuts shown above.

Other Facebook Shortcuts ( These work on both Macs and Windows browsers )

Next post in news feed = J

Previous post in news feed = K

Like/Unlike Photos = L

3. YouTube Shortcuts

Play/Pause = Space

Full Screen = F

Exit Full Screen = Esc

Mute Sound = M

Seek Backward 10 Sec. = CTRL + Backward Arrow

Seek Forward 10 Sec. = CTRL + Forward Arrow

4. Google+ Shortcuts

Search = /

Open Shortcuts Help = ?

Send Feedback = @

Next Post = J

Previous Post = K

Expand/Collapse Current Post = O

Next Comment on Current Post =  N

Previous Comment on Current Post =  P

Comment on Current Post = R

Load New Posts = L

5. Tumblr

Next Post = J

Previous Post = K

Like a Post = T

Show Posts Notes in a Pop-up = N

Compose a New Post = CTRL + +

Reblog a Post = CTRL + R

Add Post to Queue = CTRL + E

Switch from Dashboard to Blog = CTRL + TAB

Play Video = ENTER

Compose a New Post = ALT + C

Reblog a Post = ALT + R

Add Post to Queue = ALT + E

Swith from Dashboard to Blog = ALT + TAB

Play Video = ENTER

6. Some Additional Shortcuts – Gmail

Send Message = CTRL + ENTER

Advanced to Next Window = CTRL + .

Go to Previous Window = CTRL + ,

Add Cc Recipients = CTRL + Shift + C

Add Bcc Recipients = CTRL + Shift + B

Change “From” Address = CTRL + Shift + F

Focus Main Window = Shift + Esc

Did you enjoy these shortcuts? Don’t forget to share your views in comment box.!!

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