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Cloud Telephony For Better Customer Service

The whole world today is digging out the ways to provide better customer service. And they are doing so because they know the power of customers.

Do you also want to give better customer assistance, support them 24×7 and give your business a cutting edge?

I believe you all aspire to the same.

It brings me no surprise to know why “Providing Better Customer Service” is in trend nowadays.

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cloud based telephony solutions

Let’s suppose

You prepared a special meal for dinner party to serve your guests.

But unfortunately, you forgot to add salt in it. Though you cooked the meal with lots of efforts but the absence of salt will make the food useless.


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Toll free numbers have been popular in India and all across the globe since 1967, simply because these numbers are affordable and have a lot of benefits.

When toll-free numbers were first introduced, the only distinctive feature that made them a preferable choice was- a customer could make free calls, without paying extra, from anywhere within the country. This definitely encouraged customers to access business organizations easily, but the scope of toll-free numbers was fairly limited. Read More

Cloud Telephony is future of telephony services, Ordinary telephone (Landline, Mobile & PBX) is not fulfilling need to business. Telephony is experiencing variation everyday  & in today’s world, cloud telephony is the term often used in corporate world. It is multi-tenant structure where multiple users simultaneously share the resources.

Cloud telephony delivers web based or automated telephone applications. It is an innovative & latest phone solution thus reducing your business expenses. Cloud telephony refers to a online communication system and this requires to setup own data-center to give it a regular monitoring and carve out the best results and services. All the applications which are cloud based are hosted on Internet. Cloud telephony checklist is mentioned below: Read More

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