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15 Incredible Facts For Why Mobile Marketing Is #1 Marketing Step

Nowadays chatting apps and a lot of new things have discovered but the importance of the text messages can never be replaced.

Think of a thing which you see at very first in the morning, and keep on handling it the whole day even before a second you’re going to see.

Your phone. Right? 

We all use our mobile phones and assume it as our body part. If something is so important, then how you can avoid using such a thing in your marketing strategy.

It’s always good to have hands spread in different marketing techniques but doing marketing without SMS Marketing is nothing more than trying to wipe water from an ocean. 

f you’re still using a lot of marketing techniques and think a lot that why you should go for Mobile Marketing if you’re already using so many techniques.

Then, we have 15 reasons with data to make you understand why it is very important for your marketing plan to include the SMS Marketing Strategy. Read More

6 Easy Rules To Make Your Emails Mobile Friendly

My day starts something like this way. I wake up before I could do anything and think anything I pick up my phone unlock it check out my messages, my emails. Then, I start getting ready for my office and check the emails again while having the breakfast and this continues till I get into my seat and get my coffee and start my day work.

Sounding quite similar right?

Yes! It is because it is the story of every youngster, every professional and every person. On an average before turning on my laptop I check out my emails up to 4-5  times. The usage of mobile is burning day by day and according to Litmus 53% of Emails get opened on Mobile Devices and there will be nothing wrong in expecting that it the percentage will increase in recent coming days. Read More

20 Stunning Digital Marketing Facts!

If you’re in a start-up stage then you must have some crunch of time, shortage of budget or in found of best marketing technique.

The situation you would be facing is you don’t have enough money to spend for all the marketing strategies in the book but still you have to do it. So, if you’re in these circumstances ,and messed up in between the marketing strategy that you should go for.

Then, Digital marketing is a pocket-friendly strategy that will help you in maintaining your brand image along with giving more leads to your company.

Here are 20 facts to make you understand that why you should go for Digital Marketing and what other Business people feel about including online marketing in your business. Read More

6 Compelling Tips That Will Make Your Emails  Actually Get Opened

A subject line can be considered as the gatekeeper of your sale email. It seriously doesn’t matter that how much planning you have done for your latest email campaign and how much effort you have made if nobody sees it.

What we do is spend a lot of time into the body of text choosing the right images and everything to make it a super email but the most important thing which will make your email actually read or which will make it actually get opened is decided at the last.

Start thinking about your first impression of your emails. Here are 6 compelling tips for your subject lines. Read More

16 Email Marketing Terms To Make You An Expert

Email Marketing is becoming the heart of the inbound marketing strategy. It’s getting used by almost every marketer in today’s world. But if you’re a newbie in this lane then it can be very confusing for you.

We know that your business is your dream and if there is something you’re going to introduce in your business then you should be aware of each and every part of that strategy.

If you’re in something, then know everything about it, it’s the latest update, all its norms and every big, short and important term.

So here are important terms related to email marketing that you need to know if you’re going to use it. Read More

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