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4 Email Marketing Steps A Beginner Must know to Accelerate Their Sales

I should concentrate on more important things rather than be wasting my time and resources. I need more marketing strategies.

Is this sounds like you?

If yes then it would be safe to bet that you’re a beginner and have just started your business and don’t want anything to spoil your marketing steps and for you, it’s correct! Why would you give any chance to any stuff ruined your hard work?

There is no doubt that Email marketing is an old and very effective marketing technique not to only grow your sales but to grow your business and enhance your brand image. So there are some points which you should be very careful about while introducing email marketing in your marketing channel. Read More

11 Tips To Increase The Email Open Rate Through Your Subject Line

It has been said that never judge a book by its cover but it would be far enough to say that this doesn’t hold good in the case of emails. It takes a fraction of seconds to judge an email and decide where it is going to be read or the trash folder.

Can you answer me one thing genuinely, just check your inbox and say me the counting of unread email in your inbox? Beyond 100? Beyond 500? Or Beyond 1000?

Why you never even opened those emails? Yes because they never compelled you to open them and check.

So if something is that important for your email that it’s fair enough to spend a little more time on your subject line to get more open, stay far from junk folders, and let your email read by the right person.

The role of the subject line in your email is to let your email get opened- no more, no less. So, start working on it and if you’re in confusion that how to make it compelling and from where you need to start, go ahead and check out these tips and make your subject lines more tempting. Read More

9 Common Mistakes You Should Check Before Shooting Your Latest Email Campaign


You’re ready with your new campaign and you shoot it to all your customers with lots of expectation that this campaign is going to boost your sales and in the second moment, you discovered that there is a broken link in the Call To Action of your email. Silly! Right?

Accept it happened and usually, you keep on doing these silly mistakes. You might be the most compelling marketer but in the end, you’re a human.

But sometimes these silly mistakes make you face embarrassment and sometimes heavy loss of image. So, it is very important to make a checklist and do testing before you actually send the email campaign. Here is the checklist which will help you in your next campaign to check it out if you’re missing something very important. Read More

4 Techniques To Optimize Your Email Opt-Ins And harvest A Long Email List

You must have heard till now that Email marketing is the best digital marketing technique but have you ever thought the vital part of Email Marketing? If not then start thinking about it because without getting aware of the most important part of any technique it’s impossible to achieve the height of sales and success in your business.

Talking about email marketing is the most vital part of it can be said is its conversion rate optimization and conversion is the result of your email list.

So, overall you can say that your email list is your biggest asset for email marketing. But sometimes building your email list can even annoy people. So be very choosy when you’re looking for a technique to grow your email list. Because sometimes it can make people so aggravating that they can leave your website behind.

So, let’s look into the points which are really very very important when you’re working for your email opt-in, always remember that it’s good to have a short email list rather than making people leave you. Read More

25 Email Marketing Experts to follow in 2016

Email is one of the best inbound marketing strategies for any business. You can’t afford to miss this channel. In order to get the most out of it, you need to do the right things at right time.

Email marketing can be very confusing for start-ups or beginners. You need the right advice to make it profitable for your business. But the question is, how will you get the right tips?

Here’s a list of top email marketing experts to follow in 2016. Take a look! Read More

Know What You Are- A leader Or A Boss-

A leader can be a boss but a boss can never be a leader. Although many people think that the two terms a boss and a leader is the same thing but they are definitely not interchangeable and vastly differs from each other. If you want to know that in which boat do you stand, honestly answer these two questions in Yes and No.

  1. Do you see your team members as a necessary part  that you have to join up with in order to achieve your goals and accomplish your dream? Or,
  2. Do you genuinely enjoy working with your team and rely on the people to meet your goals?

If you have raised your voice for the first question you’re probably more into the term “Boss” and if the second point counted you out then you’re someone who can be termed as a “Leader.”

If you’re really confused about being a leader or a boss then I have few examples which will help you in determining that in which category do you stand. Read More

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