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Catch The Speed Of Light With Online Marketing!

Online Marketing Online Marketing! A word which I can say travels faster than light in present’s aeon. To keep on travelling with it, you have to start thinking independently act critically and express creatively.

Whenever you start thinking about Online Marketing, what is the very first thing which comes in your mind? Think ! Think more!

In my mind, it’s

1. What?

2. How ?

3. Why?

If you’re in the same boat in which I am sitting, then probably I can help you out with these three capping questions.

Let me help you out step by step, Read More

Art of Developing Strong Relationship With Subscribers

All kind of marketing & communication depends on TRUST!

Trust is the glue of life. It’s the most essential ingredient in effective communication. It’s the foundational principle that holds all relationships.” – Stephen Covey

In our previous article, we’ve discussed – what is engaging email marketing? Trust is the first key ingredient of engaging email.

If subscribers don’t have trust in you then you’ll face low response consisting of low opens, clicks, conversions, deliverability, higher unsubscribe rate & spam (possibility your message to be marked as spam).

What is Spam (In the eyes of consumer)?

Technical definition of Spam, “Email that violates CAN-SPAM Act Law.”

But in the eyes of customer, Spam is “opposite of Trust!!” Read More

Sprout your Email List Via Pinterest

Email Marketing is the best technique to communicate with your customers. It’s the most formal and professional  appearing way to approach them. Email marketing found to be the most useful  marketing slant to induce more number of leads.

In a whole, Email Marketing is like God For Marketers and specially for E commerce marketers.

But what if you don’t have subscriber for those Emails.

Tell me who is going to read all  those stuff and all those content which you have created.

Over an all, the main power of your Email Marketing exists in building your Email List. If you don’t have your own created Email List, sorry to say but you stand no where in the marketing platform. Read More

15 Solid Reasons Why One Should Never Blow Off Text Marketing

SMS Marketing or Text Marketing is a new spark in the bucket of Digital Marketing. Since many years this bucket was filled up with Email Marketing. I am not saying that Email Marketing is completely out of the market or it has become the younger citizen of the Digital Marketing Family.

There is no doubt in that Email Marketing is still the most businessy way and Professional technique to contact your customer.

But think about yourself, your era, and the sound of tic- tac which comes from your phone and about your hand which is now habitual of checking your phone after that tic-tac.

Being a customer I would love to receive my favorite brand’s messages through text. And being a marketer I would love to stay safe from the problem of “is my subject line attractive enough to get my email opened?”

Hence it can be said that Text Marketing is an easy approach for both the customers and the marketers. Read More

make your email more engaging

We live in the “Age of Customers” – According to Forrester research.

Meet today’s buyer – Digital Buyer. Thanks to Smartphones, Social Media & Web, these channels provide instant information to customers.

Consumers can access detailed information, pricing, and reviews about services/products anytime anywhere – Just need finger/thumb with a Smartphone.

And, social media provides a great platform to check any business social activity and it give consumers a way to compare.

It’s time to through out old style of marketing because traditional & old marketing mediums are becoming less effective as buyers get more smart & tech-savvy. Read More

Registering For A Domain Name- Make Sure To Read These Tips

The Internet is now getting converted to the central focus for the businesses to communicate, and if in this present online era if you are not present there, definitely it’s going to cramp out the prosperity and the surge of your business and sweep away the potential clients.

If you’re deciding to launch your own business and escort it all over the cloud then be ready for one more important and burning concern “domain name.”

Many intellectuals thinks that domain name is not a salient stuff to be considered, if you find yourself in the same jar than Sorry to say you buddy! But you’re absolutely wrong. Your domain name is as important as your Facebook account and the website itself.

Now, if you’ve planned to grab a catchy domain name, let me tell you it’s not going to be very easy. You must have seen sometimes designers involving more time in deciding the domain names and not in designing the website.

Here are suggestions for you if you’re in the same phase of business. Read More

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