Email Marketing is the best technique to communicate with your customers. It’s the most formal and professional appearing way to approach them. Email marketing found to be the most useful marketing slant to induce more number of leads.
In a whole, Email Marketing is like God For Marketers and specially for E commerce marketers.
But what if you don’t have subscriber for those Emails.
Tell me who is going to read all those stuff and all those content which you have created.
Over an all, the main power of your Email Marketing exists in building your Email List. If you don’t have your own created Email List, sorry to say but you stand no where in the marketing platform.
If you’re planning to move your business ahead and that too with Email Marketing, then your initiation should be very appropriate and should start from sprouting up Email list.
If you’re thinking “what’s so whooping in building email list?” Then let me make you aware of Can-spam, after all we are not in the era of buying and purchasing email lists any more.
It’s now all have to be done by you to appeal your customer and attract them to join you. Social Media is becoming the major source to draw out the subscribers. Facebook and LinkedIn have always been the major fountain to grab the subscribers.
But have you ever thought what seems to be the most compelling stuff for your mind. It’s Images, pictures. A Human brain can understand through picture 500 X faster.
The faster people will understand it, the faster they will get into it.
We have such a Pictorial Social Media Guide for you by which you can grow your email list and can run out your business all through an Email .
#Pinterest : The all new step to sprout your Email List
There is nothing like Social Media V/s Email Marketing, when you’ll start blending the both you’ll start enjoying the best result in your marketing.
If you’re a marketer and that too an E commerce marketer and somehow avoiding Pinterest then you’re making loss of your own.
The popularity of Pinterest specifically among 30+ year old group customers with a median income of $50K per year makes it a more perfect platform for business people to concentrate on growing mailing list.
#Step I:
First of all you have to do is to create an eye catching picture, including offers so that you can attract your audience. Now you must be thinking what kind of offer I am talking about, don’t worry it could be anything like:
# Coupon codes
# Guidelines
# Video Series
# check lists
# Webinars
Or anything your company deals with and trust me you won’t need to do any Photoshop and even don’t need any designer to make it out, there are some simple and cinch tools which will help in resulting it out for you like
While uploading your pin be sure about in which board you’re uploading it.
#Step II:
Now you’re in for the second step, what you have to do next is to create a land page that you’ll send to your customer when they will check out your visual pin and will click on the link provided there. I would like to suggest you to use the same graphic in your landing page which you have used in your original pin.
I have some suggestions for tools which you can use to create attractive landing pages:
Even if you’re not a tech freak trust me you’re not going to face any problem in using these tools.
It will work for you as Bonus if you include a message like- “Don’t worry! We don’t spam and your information will remain confidential.”
This will take your customers into the comfort zone and it’s always good to make your customers rely on you.
Step III:
Now you have an attractive graphic and a cool landing page which is integrated with your email marketing software. But wait there are some small points left yet to make this mission accomplished.
Once you have uploaded your pin, go back to it and edit it to insert the URL of your landing page, otherwise your all efforts will goes in vain and the URL won’t redirect your visitors anywhere.
That’s it you’re all done!
Now the excited visitors will start becoming your subscribers. No Purchasing, no stealing only attracting. They by themselves starts chaining them to you mailing list.
Keep in your Mind!!
Pinterest is not only about posting Photos, sometimes it’s about acquiring knowledge, finding new stuff, and yes sometimes it’s an eye candy. This technique will help you grabbing mailing list of not only visitors but some really talented and talent loving people,
And this is not for the last time, you can do it with every promotional campaign of yours. If you want people to check your pins and go further relying on you and giving their credential than you have to maintain yourself in Pinterest very well.
If you have also some creative ideas of growing your mailing list through Social Platform. Go ahead and share with us, we would love to hear from you!!