Do you know who is most important part of your company? No Definitely not you, it’s only and only your customers. They are the base and even the height of your business. But still, we never think about their ease and their suffer. If they need us they will come to us. Yes, definitely they will, but how wonderful it would be if you can make their path to you easier and smoother.
The more your customers will increase, the more your business will expand.
How many times you have opened one website and wanted to subscribe for the company and just left because it asked you for so many questions and you felt bored up filling those long never ending forums? Almost every time, right?
Losing your customers just because they are bored up. It’s as ridiculous as it sounds. But don’t worry we have the all new technical tool to avoid these scenarios “Missed call services” just a Tring Tring and the person sitting before his system staring at your stuff is now connected with you.
Now , no more losing your valuable clients, no more loop holes in your connection with your clients, no more missed clients and no more undue delay in being touch with them.
Here are some of the important points to let you know that how and why using Missed call Services can fill your gaps in the business.
1. Lead Generation
It’s not only about get in touch with your customers. Your existing customers are as important as your new upcoming one as your old clients are the one who made you a “Brand” from a “Company.”
Being a businessman, it’s not easy and even not possible to answer each and every call of yours. But suppose the call you missed is of one of your leading client. By this way losing your clients you will start losing your quality leads. Through a Missed Call Service you can have record of every miss call you receive.
Thus you can prevent this way by losing your quality leads and can also generate new fresh quality leads.
2. User Registration
Business techniques are getting smarter day by day. To remain in this business marathon, only hard work will not be enough, all you have to do is smart work. Running with technology always makes path easier.
The world runs over internet now, everything is online. Online forums, online registration and what not. If I will consider all these online filling stuff as outdated one, no definitely I am not mad, believe or not but these are outdated and even irritating. Who will like to fill your never ending forum to just get registered with you. On the contrary missed call alert is the shortest and easiest path to register your clients. Hardly 1 minute and one more valuable client is registered with you.
3. Alert subscription
There are a no. of clients who wants to hear you, to know all the short and big changes you are doing and get alert of all the new techniques you are adopting. Missed call service will help you in quick and easy subscription to alert services. All your interested clients need to just leave a missed call in the tollfree number provided by you for the subscription. Further the same data will be integrated by your message alert system.
4. Coupon Delivery system
It’s always good to give special privileges to your special customers because they are the one because of whom you are alive and will remain alive. Distributing coupons is the best way to let your customers attached with you. It’s true that most of the people becomes your subscribers not because they like you but because they want some offers from you.
Distributing coupon to the respective customers is quite a daunting task, but with Missed call service, you can easily distribute the coupon to your appropriate customer. On the other side your customer not need to follow a no of steps to receive their desired offers, just a missed call and the coupon is all theirs.
5. Information Seeking Service
Pulling information about customers can be more easy task for your sales team as well as even for customers. Your sales team not need to find out their leads from here and there, they just have to check the database of the customer who gave a missed call.
Even you customer would love this technique because the most sparkling touch of this service is “It’s all free.”
6. Call – Back Service
Customers always want their company to initiate the step to get connected. Now, you can please your customer and can provide them a quick, a short and very effective path to get connected with you.
What you have to do is to just start a missed call service for your customer, in which they will just give a missed call. Then, one of your representative can call them and can ask for the query. This is the best way to say your customer that “We care for you”.
7. List Building Service
SMS Marketing and Email Marketing is the most effective and efficient proven marketing strategies. It’s sounds great that we use SMS marketing or email marketing to grow our business but believe me it’s as difficult to maintain them as easy they sound. The main reason for that is we need to build a very strong customer’s list and that’s the main punch of these service. This punch can let you fly high as well as can drop you down.
Missed call service can help in growing your customer’s list very fast and quickly and also prevents you from spamming and getting ignored because in this case people will give you a missed call only and only if they want to be connected with you. What you have to do is to provide the customers a toll free number and ask them to give a missed call in that and that’s it. The number of the customer can be grabbed by you from your database and even you can call them back to confirm their email address.
So Missed call service is not only for itself, it can help you in growing your other marketing strategies as well. It’s for you and your business. What could be better than that, it doesn’t matter where are you right now, you are not going to lose any of customer by any way? And that too with a ever sparkling word “Free.”