Sarv Blog

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4 Hot Tips If You Dream To Become An Entrepreneur

When we start doing job everyone dreams to be Boss. Everybody wants to start his own business and do something unique. But very few of them get success. Becoming an entrepreneur or a successful business man is not an achievement but an art.

Some people in the world assumed that doing the things they love made them successful and for some their talent and hard work is their key to success.

Whatever it would , it doesn’t matter that what is your motivation. Just start working for it, start thinking of it.

If you’re excited to work for yourself but unable to find your path. Then, I have 4 tips for you to get started and become a successful entrepreneur. Read More

5 Effective Ideas To Stay Positive Even In Your Worst Days

We all in our life at some point faces a bad time. But bad times doesn’t mean the end.

If you want to be an entrepreneur then there are a lot of situation arise when you will feel that everything is finished and you have chosen the wrong path.

And when somebody is present in such bitter moments, these times can seem endless but through these crappy times, we can learn the most about ourselves and can receive some of the life’s greatest lessons and rewards.

After going through some of my own bitter crappy times. Through my some of my own bitter experiences of negativeness, hopelessness, confusion and failure I’ve learned to follow a few simple but very effective phrases to help me stay positive.

So now, whenever things go wrong or if I begin to go in dilemma, I just remember and repeat some of the following points: Read More

5 Extraordinary Personalities and Their way To Success Through Failure

“Success is most often achieved by those who don’t know that failure is inevitable.”

Success is a word which comes along with Failure. If you’ve never tasted failure and  if you never wanted to taste it. Sorry , but success is not a word for you then.

Failure is the avenue for success. The more you decline the more strength you’ll wind up for your dream.

If you think that I want to become perfect and perfection is the other word for success, then please wake up stop believing that “Oh! I am so imperfect, how could I achieve success in my life.”

I have examples for you, some people who will tell their stories about how they failed and how many times they failed but success, at last, was in their hand. Read More

7 Cool SlideShare Presentations

We regulary share SlideShare presenations on our blog and slideshare page. We love this platform! It’s a great way to share valuable piece of information. You should give it a try whether you’re a marketer or a regular person.

It lets you create, publish & share informative, interesting, & beautiful piece of content without any design experience.

70 million professionals trust SlideShare to learn about any topic quickly from subject matter experts.

Here are few lines about SlideShare,

Founded in 2006 with the goal of making knowledge sharing easy, Slideshare joined the LinkedIn family in 2012 and has since grown into a top destination for professional content.

With over 18 million uploads in 40 content categories, it is today one of the top 100 most-visited websites in the world.”

We want to share our 7 cool presentations to inform, inspire & entertain you. Check out here. Read More

Read These 7 Points to Normalize Yourself

“Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius—and a lot of courage—to move in the opposite direction.”

- E.F. Schumacher

Let me introduce one of my friends to you.

He is successful that’s what he thinks about himself.

He is a person who lives the most complicated life that you could even imagine.

He tries to be perfect. Almost all the time.

Constantly tries to prove himself. Struggles to ape up the corporate ladder. He puts himself into the shoes into the shoes of his boss whenever she is out for leave, doesn’t matter how little notice she is giving. Read More

5 Undesirable Points That Can Pull You From Being A Successful Entrepreneur

Becoming a successful Entrepreneur is not as simple as you think. There are a lot of ideas which can pull you up at the same time there are gallons of criteria which can push you down.

It’s always good checking the list that what we have to do and what we are doing but trust me it’s more important to know that whether you’re doing something which should be avoided by you.

Here are 5 undesirable points which you should start avoiding if you really aim to become an Entrepreneur with a word “Successful” before it Read More

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