Sarv Blog

One Destination for Web Marketing Solutions

Blog-Text-to-SpeechIt is the perfect moment to join the text-to-speech bandwagon. Technology is rapidly growing, thus increasing digitized human interaction. Text-To-Speech (TTS) may seem to be basic technology, but it has more benefits than most people know. You can expand the reach of your business – new people, improved employee training, increased productivity, etc. Read More

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At present, retaining focus is one of the biggest workplace challenges employees face. The constant urge to check and scroll phones might be the reason behind fluctuating focus and concentration. If to find, there are plenty of distractions in the workplace. These distractions widely affect the performance of sales teams, especially when you don’t have a cloud telephony solution. We know that when it comes to sales, the pace is fast, the pressure is high, plus there is healthy to unhealthy competition. Read More


It is no shock that your customers want to resolve their concerns for the first time. However, you may be surprised that Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) helps you do this. You probably already have access to this popular call center feature to make it work. If you have a corporate phone system, it can distribute calls intelligently.

Customers don’t want to wait too long or call more than they need to. Not your call center representatives, and especially not your customers.

To do this, configure your ACD software to route calls according to your business and customer needs. Then, when combined with other phone system features, it enhances the customer experience at no extra charge.

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Sales opportunities are always around the corner. Sometimes these appear as unplanned sales meetings, unsatisfied potential customers, happy customers, or unexpected calls.

As told, these are unplanned and unexpected, so these are more likely to get ignored by the reps. That can happen as one might be in the middle of some task, meeting, or else.

A good sales rep is always in search of sales opportunities. No matter the condition, the only rule they must follow is Look and Seize.

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