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No one can deny that collecting and analyzing customer feedback is no joke when it comes to improving your product service. However, feedback is only important to you and not to your customers. Customers are using your product or services out of their own goals. They do not feel responsible for not giving feedback to you once they start using your product or service. This feeling of customers makes it hard to obtain feedback from them. Read More

Why is Customer Service Training So Important

What makes a business stand out from others? Its marketing strategies or customer service? Mostly it is customer service. Once a brand is done with marketing and converting its prospects into customers, customer service is what keeps them loyal to your brand.

It is the opportunity where a brand connects with its customers to solve their problems. This is how a brand shows its customers that they care about them. When executed well, it is more likely that customers will always return to you. Read More


Working in an office is a way different environment than working at home. Colleagues around, with systems and the time arrangements, makes life easy in the office. But, during WFH, maintaining office work with household chores for both men and women has become a challenging task which leads to less productivity. So setting up all the things like an office at home for more productivity, you can follow up below-mentioned points: Read More


As a business, we know the importance of a common workplace or platform where everyone can connect easily. In the current situation, every business wants to have the same. They want their teams to work together in better collaboration.

Online video conferencing is one of those technologies that can give you a competitive edge over others who are not using it. It is the best way to connect and communicate with 2 or more people simultaneously.

Opportunities it presents for business are countless. From remote working to collaboration across places are two major benefits it gives. Its benefits and major usage can vary from business to business but its major task or providing flexibility and connectivity to work will never fade.

Let’s dive deep into some of the benefits that Sarv WAVE video conferencing provides to a business: Read More

Know What You Are- A leader Or A Boss-

A leader can be a boss but a boss can never be a leader. Although many people think that the two terms a boss and a leader is the same thing but they are definitely not interchangeable and vastly differs from each other. If you want to know that in which boat do you stand, honestly answer these two questions in Yes and No.

  1. Do you see your team members as a necessary part  that you have to join up with in order to achieve your goals and accomplish your dream? Or,
  2. Do you genuinely enjoy working with your team and rely on the people to meet your goals?

If you have raised your voice for the first question you’re probably more into the term “Boss” and if the second point counted you out then you’re someone who can be termed as a “Leader.”

If you’re really confused about being a leader or a boss then I have few examples which will help you in determining that in which category do you stand. Read More

4 Ideas To Become An Expert Of Your Niche

There is a slight difference between being a specialist and being an expert. If you’re an expert you can do many things right but if you’re a specialist you can do one single thing as perfect as no one can. Here are 4 ideas for you to help you out and tackle this confusion.

1. Niche Down Your Expertise

Being only an expert is not enough to be a complete expert. All you have to do is  niche down like an expert. We are we humans, right? And we can do 5 things at a time! But we choose to do. Because we want to become an expert.

Is this the real meaning of achieving expertise? Of course not,we run to become a general expert. A person who can do everything as better as perfect. But this is not a real expert is. Read More

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