A domain is a web address which helps people to find your website. Most of domain names have three parts which are separated by dots: The third level domain (“www”), the second level domain (company name, product or brand) & last part is top level domain (.com), this may contain country-code top-level domain (ccTLD) like: .us, .in, .uk etc. Most popular domain names are: .com, .info, .biz etc.
Domain name is important for the people who starts their business & wants to promote their business online.
By using domain name you can reach millions of user.
It helps to get traffic & lead for your business.
A Domain name must have at least 3 characters and less than 63 characters.
Very short domains are easy to remember but expensive.
Good Domain Name Features
Your domain should be memorable & this is relevant to your products or services.
Your domain name should be short (two or three words) & easy to spell.
In domain, you should avoid non-standard characters.
The Domain name extensions which are chosen according to the nature of the company are more valuable.
By registering multiple domain extension of a domain name, you can secure traffic & raise your business.
What is Domain Name Lifecycle?
There is a misconception is that people think they have purchased a domain name. But this is not possible to purchase a domain. In fact you pay for rights for using domain name for particular time. You need to learn about the domain name life cycle.
Here are different stages of domain name life-cycle.
Available Domain Name
This is the first stage of domain name life cycle. In this stage domain is not registered & available for all the people.
Domain Registration
Available domain can be registered for period 1 to 10 year. The domain name will become active once you have paid for it. This will remain registered for duration of time you registered it. After that you will need to renew the domain.
Expiration Grace Period (1 To 45 Days)
This is the date when registration period is over. A domain name will stay expired for between 1 to 45 days, this is the grace period. The webmaster can still renew it in this period. The domain would still stay in your domain control panel.
Redemption Period (30 Days)
Next stage is 30 days redemption period. During this period registrar may delete all information about domain. Most registrar charge a lot of money to recover the domain during this period.
Pending Delete Period (5 Days)
Now domain enters pending delete period for 5 days. At this stage, the domain name is locked & there is not any possibility to renew it. So if you want to register it again, you will need to wait while domain name is deleted & available. But you must keep a track because this will available for all & other people can register the domain.