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Social media is an effective way to learn about your audience & target them. It can help you to find new customers & expand your market reach. Social media allows to share content easily & quickly. It generates brand awareness.

On a personal level and commercial level it helps to build relationships, repeat business, gain existing and new customers. It has become modern marketing channel.

Do you use social media campaigns to engage with your customers?

Here, we’ll discuss 4 C’s social media marketing and tips for building and running successful social media campaigns. Read More


In our previous articles, we’ve discussed how social media are great for business and how to make a Facebook business page – Tips to Make Compelling Facebook Business Page [CheckList].

But one question that we always get asked is how do you get more people to become a fan of your page? In order to get success on Facebook you need quality content and an engaged community. Both communities and content are key elements to build brand awareness, because without one there’s no one to read your content. To attract more people to your page, it’s important to post engaging, interesting and valuable content regularly on your page.

See this infographic below if you want to know how do you gain your first 1000 followers or fans on Facebook. It will surely help you! Read More


Email is one of the main Internet based activities. By using email we can send messages all over the world. Email has a great importance because this is the most effective way to communicate for businesses. Now this feature is available with web hosting services. Today, Email hosting is very popular in the corporate world. There are many benefits of email hosting from a professional hosting service provider. Benefits of this service are mentioned below.

Email services like Gmail, Hotmail & Yahoo! Mail are good for personal use. But for business, corporate email addresses are important because it shows corporate identity of organizations. In Email hosting, your emails will not be lost due to hardware crashes because emails are hosted & stored off-site on the servers. Email hosting provides security of information & prevents from spamming, hacking etc. Read More


The main concern for every business owner is, how to drive customers to their business. For this, we should use different marketing mediums. We live in a mobile era, we must use the power of mobile to drive more customers & business. Text messaging or SMS Marketing is one of the most useful mobile marketing tools. It is the best way to help your business communicate with your target audience, It is a direct way to share a special offer or company information with a large group of people easily from an online platform.

For more insight into SMS and Mobile Marketing- Read Here.

SMS marketing offers a lot of opportunities like improve customer service, attract genuine leads & potential customers, and build the brand. Nearly every industry can use the power of this marketing tool.

In this article, we’ll discuss how different industries can benefit from using text messaging. Read More


Email is dismissed as something old people use.” Is it true?? Not really. Number of technologies has increased but email marketing still holds its position & is used at a wide level.

Email is 40 years old technology that is not going away for good reasons- it’s cockroach of the Internet.”

With new technologies introduced & practiced, it is must for the old ones to leave their position & retire. But, with a great pleasure the case is not the same with email. It is not only holding up, but is very much used by each and every person (The number of worldwide email accounts- over 4.1 billion accounts in 2014).

For your industry success, you should send emails for different purpose on regular basis. Email is the best medium to show your customers and subscribers how much they matter to you. One must be aware about different type of emails, this knowledge will help to choose most appropriate format.

So, we’ll discuss the different types of emails that surely work for your business. Read More

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