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Email or Electronic mail is very popular around the globe for both personal & corporate communication. It is very fast & messages are delivered within seconds around the world. It is very easy & more personal platform to communicate with customers or subscribers.

Email marketing is the most powerful, attractive & cost-effective channel to promote products, events, and business services. This is one of the oldest & popular online marketing tool available. Read More

Voice broadcasting is a cost-effective & valuable marketing tool to deliver a voice message to thousands of your customers or prospects at a time. It can be used for a number of purposes like promotional messages, appointment reminders, product or service information, phone surveys, offers & discounts, and much more. To Learn More about Voice Broadcast, Read our previous articles.

Your marketing strategy must include voice broadcasting with other means of marketing & communication like Email marketing, SMS marketing or text message marketing, Cloud telephony, Social media marketing, etc. Read More

Domain is your online name, which shows your presence over the Internet and defines who you are and what you serve. There are multiple categories available in Domain selection. Domain include website address, which is used to access any website. A complete domain name includes website prefix and domain suffix i.e. .com, .net, .in etc. There should be a standard format to make a web domain in which a to z letters and 0 to 9 numbers are included. For example in [email protected], is a domain.

Domain suffix represents the type of particular website. For example .com is for commercial purpose. Domain registration is very cheaper now a days and it’s a best and necessary way to make an online presence.

There should not be any restriction to access any domain regionally. If there is any, then one must know the reason and get the solution ASAP. Read More

A toll free number is very valuable marketing tool & it has numerous advantages for any business & customers. It allows your customers a free way to communicate with you. A tollfree number can expand your business opportunities. When your number is recognized & used, your business sales & ROI will be increased. It may be a valuable source of leads generation. This is a potential and priceless way for customers to reach you with high frequency. To learn more about tollfree, read our previous articles.

It’s great to have a toll free number for your business but make sure you use & promote it in right way. In this article, we’ll talk about how to promote a toll free number & it will help get more opportunities. Read More

Email hosting service is useful for the professional jobs where we need to share the email id including our business domain names (corporate email id). This is very necessary for your customer to remember your brand name easily & it is also useful to build your brand value.

What is Email Hosting

Email hosting is an Internet hosting service that runs Internet servers. Either one need to setup in-house servers to run such service or need to approach the web hosting providers. Usually small-medium sized Business need to purchase the service. Every business own a domain name & one need the email hosting space to run the business website. Read More


In simple terms to understand the meaning of Cloud is storing and accessing the stuff over the Internet instead of a hard drive or storage device. Cloud doesn’t need any dedicated hardware to access the data from any location via the Internet.

Sarv offers Linux & Windows both cloud servers with multiple OS templates. After selecting the OS template you can instantly build a powerful Virtualised server. Cloud server should be completely customize as per your requirement or traffic which you are getting on your server. Our servers offer a high level of performance and you can rely on your cloud server not to let you down. Read More

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