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Why is Customer Service Training So Important

What makes a business stand out from others? Its marketing strategies or customer service? Mostly it is customer service. Once a brand is done with marketing and converting its prospects into customers, customer service is what keeps them loyal to your brand.

It is the opportunity where a brand connects with its customers to solve their problems. This is how a brand shows its customers that they care about them. When executed well, it is more likely that customers will always return to you. Read More

How Should a Business Use SMS Services

In the current world, multi-channel marketing is what drives leads for a business. Judging by the speed of the market, businesses are trying to reach their customers on the go. To do so, SMS service is the ultimate weapon for a marketing team. We know that SMS is a very old technique to engage with customers, but it is the effective one. It is hard to believe that not so many companies are investing in SMS marketing. Read More

Best Use of SMS to Improve Customer Service

Building and maintaining positive relationships between companies and their customers is what every organization needs. As a business owner, should you be happy with the customer service offered by your business? But before understanding that, what is required is understanding the correct definition of good customer service? Because the system used to ensure a positive customer experience can constantly be improved and evolves with technology development, it seems that the search for the best possible customer service may never be complete. Read More

Sarv-Transactional Emails

If you are into selling services, products, or goods, you know how important transactional emails are. These are an integral part of your email campaign. If you are handling emails or have done it before, you know that these emails perform better than promotional emails. If you didn’t, now you know.

If we talk numbers, CTR (Click-Through-Rate) of transactional emails is 3 times higher than non-transactional emails. Read More

Sarv Toll-Free Number

If you’re thinking about switching to another phone carrier, the process is fairly simple – but there are a few things to keep in mind before and during the transition process.

There may be several reasons behind your decision to change, and you should take the time to find out which operator is best for you.

A toll-free number is crucial for your business because it ensures that the customer inquiries you rely on continue. It is really important to follow certain steps so that you have minimal downtime and you do not miss any opportunities during unused transfers. Read More

Sarv Virtual Number Spam-Free

When running a business, you should expect telephone lines to buzz throughout the day. A ringing phone is often a sign of a potential customer, but this is not always the case.

Sometimes you may receive spam calls – this is the last thing any agent wants to see.

In fact, spam calls are more common than you think. According to TechCrunch, the number of spam calls had increased by 18% in 2020, despite the global pandemic. You can well imagine the possibilities of getting your own virtual phone number, thereby disrupting the agent’s work and productivity. It makes sense to have a proactive strategy so that agents can focus on real prospects and stay on top of their tasks. Read More

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