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Pick-SMS-BlogThe most important part of any business is talking to your customers. You need to make sure they are happy with your services, listen to what they have to say, and offer customer support. With so many accessible tools and social media platforms, it’s never been easier to communicate directly with your customers. Ask them for feedback, notify you of product or service updates, and respond to sales inquiries.

SMS has always been the most popular and responsive business communication channel. It breaks down email, chat and social media. Read More

Tollfree-BlogToday, it is not enough to have a competitive product. Businesses need to extend this to their customer service. From the many choices, customers often choose vendors or service partners who offer a fast and enhanced customer experience. Indeed, providing a great customer experience is becoming a differentiating factor.

Thanks to the technological development of communication, companies have moved from traditional telephone numbers to toll-free numbers. Toll-free numbers improve the customer experience in many ways. Before we delve into these many ways, let’s define what a toll free number is? Read More


No matter what you want to call it – teleworking, teleworking or teleworking – teleworking has expanded in recent years. And this is what we now see as a “new normality.”

Remote working has proven to be a vital strategy for business continuity. The resilience of teleworking has made organizations successful in remote environments. Read More

Hotel-BlogThe hospitality industry is highly dependent on communication to ensure customer satisfaction and efficient business operations. Unfortunately, many brands fail to understand this important need and instead focus on other perspectives.

Although the hotel’s telephone system is still an important tool for customer service. Customers use it to make reservations, call the service center and receive room availability alerts. Let us discuss more about it.

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SaaS, Call Center, Business, SMEs

What exactly is a SaaS call center and how can it help your business? This blog will help you understand why SaaS has become so mainstream.

It seems like a model everywhere today. In many industries and sectors, companies around the world are moving to subscription cloud services. But why?

Sometimes it may seem that SaaS is all that everyone is talking about, regardless of whether you know what the term means. SaaS has replaced the traditional way businesses operate. In the process, it has also made business processes more efficient and cost-effective. But how can SaaS, especially a SaaS call center, help your business? Read More

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