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When we talk about business communication needs, there is often discussion about unified communication systems or tools which promise team collaboration and improved operations. As a game-changing solution for business, it can integrate multiple platforms and form a single ecosystem for boosting team performance and improving customer experience significantly. There is no doubt in the fact that technology comes with risks and UCaaS solutions have potential risks associated with managing internal communication and deployment of systems. Moreover, businesses have to accept the risk of technology as they have the capability to become rewarded in the long run.

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We know how frustrating it is when someone tries to connect with a person within the organization but cannot. Why? Because every time, they have to deal with a virtual receptionist or IVR. It’s a business addition if your IVR is easy, navigable, and understanding. However, the lengthy and complicated inbound call routines might frustrate and anger customers. So, it’s best to avoid it and incorporate ‘Direct Inward Dialing (DID).’ Read More

Revolutionize Customer Experience with CRM

How do companies stand out in the highly competitive business environment? By delivering exceptional customer experiences (CX). Any business can make it possible. They just need the right technology, like Customer Relationship Management (CRM). It is a powerful tool for businesses. CRM enables them to achieve their goals with profound insights into customers. Also, optimize communication and collaboration, offer proactive customer service, personalized marketing campaigns, etc. Read More

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In the midst of several notifications popping up on the heads of customers, organizations find SMS marketing as the potent way to deliver the intended message to the target audience. Many brands often believe that text messaging is an old technique and will not work in today’s ever-evolving world. But sending bulk SMS for promoting your services or products will get maximum reach because a text message is never left ignored. People will read the message and if it’s as per their interest or need, they will respond. Moreover, when you utilize SMS marketing campaigns in the right manner, it can allure customers towards the website or stores. This blog will explain the 12 best tips which you can use to curate marketing strategies in the best possible manner.

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Change in work settings has significantly changed since the last decade. People are no longer bound to work at a particular desk, giving rise to remote working. By utilizing the power of unified communication, businesses are promoting virtual collaboration for remotely working teams for bringing efficiency and productivity. Businesses, along with their respective teams are adapting to new communication tools to stay relevant to current market conditions. Computer telephony Integration (CTI) is one such revolution in the communication industry, bringing flexibility, agility and scalability to businesses across the globe. This blog will elaborate on how this technology enables seamless communication in enterprises and the benefits associated with it.

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Relevant and timely information is crucial for excellent customer service. A thriving call center shouldn’t compromise with it. They should strive to keep customers happy and operations profitable. And to do that call center dashboards are one of the best features. It provides managers with an overview of key performance indicators (KPIs) and other significant metrics. Such systemization will allow them to take data-driven decisions and correct actions whenever necessary. If you are planning to get call center software, then discover all its benefits. Also, know what wonders call center dashboards can do.  Read More

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